Monday, January 16, 2012

How Free Do We Really Want to Be?

Seem like a stupid question?  Well then you best check again knee grow.

Ask anyone walking down the street, in your office or even in your house if they truly want to be free and you most likely will receive the same answer.  "Hell yeah!" they may even say.  Now ask them what they are willing to give up for that freedom and you will get a unique list from each individual.  Unique in so far as none of the infringements on our cival liberties they want to see go will affect them.  Confused?  Hang tight and Dr. SKA will explain.

Right now it is cool and popular to bash the shit out of the President, congress and politicians as a whole.  We scream kick and cry that they are spending too much money and putting us, our kids and our grand kids in the poor house.  And they are.  We are bankrupt.  No ifs, ands or buts about it.  It is simple math people and no matter how good somebody looks in a suit they cannot change the laws of math.  1 billion take away two billion will leave you with a negative number every damn time.

So what is the solution to our financial crisis?  We have two choices.  A) bring in more revenue or B) cut spending.  Simple enough right.  If you are broke then you either need to make more or spend less or both.  For the sake of this discussion let us assume (it isn't an assumption, it's a fact) that you cannot tax your way out of a hole.  That leaves us with cutting spending.  Sooound Gooood?  Sound Good!

Now is where I get to have some fun with you lemmings.  First off, quit bitching about the people in Washington.  You assholes put 'em there and they are doing exactly what they told you they were going to do.  Yes even B'rock.  Shocking isn't it?  A socialist liberal told you he was a socialist liberal and now "a boo hoo hoo!" you are all surprised he's a socialist liberal.

Didn't vote for B-Dog?  Still, you are pissed at congress?  Well squash that shit too ya whiny bunch of sheep.  "They all suck and can't get a damn thing done!  Well, except for MY guy.  I'll keep sending that pricipled compromising asshole back up there time and time again because I met him at the Beacon one time."  Fuckin' idiots.  Makes about as much sense as bitching about getting bit by a snake when you were fucking with it and it was clearly a damn snake.  How do I handle it then?  I vote for someone else.  Duh!  This shit ain't hard.

So we all agree that the people in Washington suck ass and the solution is to put different folks there.  Step one of my political class complete.  And we also agree "they" are spending too much money (note the quotes, this will be important later).  So let us cut some spending.  Where do we start?  Well lets go around the room and ask.  The first person will say "Yes, lets cut spending across the board.  Except for education.  My wife is a teacher and you know, spending $10k+ per child has done so much good so far."

Then the second person will say "YES!  Cut spending.  Only not medicare.  Mom'r nem is on the dis'bility and they need that so don't cut that."

Then another will say "YES!  Cut spending.  Only not the defense budget.  My husband is in the Army and well, he needs his pay raise."

The point is that eeeeverybody is all eager and gung ho to cut shit as long as it doesn't affect them.  "Take away their shit but don't take away mine!"  Fuck you.  Pussy.  You don't want freedom.  You want other people to suffer while you prosper off of their hard work.  To hell with you and to hell with that.  Freedom doesn't just mean speech, guns and religion ass hole.  It also means the freedom to take the fuck care of yourself.  That means you are free to be as successful or as broke as YOU choose to be.  So when you make bad life choices and bad decisions, like spending your disposable income on iphones, ipads and icrack instead of health insurance for yourself and your family, you are free to reap the consequences of your actions without it affecting me.  Forced charity in the form of YOUR fucking favorite government program ain't charity ninja.  It's wallet rape and theft in order to secure your retarted vote by YOUR politician.

True freedom hasn't been felt in this country since before Lincoln chose to wipe his ass with our constitution back before the war of northern aggression.

True freedom means being able to enjoy the fruits of your hard work and dedication without having it taken away by politicians only to be given to those who haven't earned it.  Put the word "deserve" out of your vocabulary.  There is no such thing.  There is only what you earn.  True freedom also means being free to suffer the consequences of your actions.  Your problem.  You solve it.  You and yours are none of my damn business and I am none of yours.  Now should I, you or anyone else choose to help you out of our own free will then so be it.  Other wise I suggest you learn how to add and subtract and prioritize shit in your life.  Because the pace we are on is unsustainable.  YOUR nanny state is going to go away.  That is a fact.  Math dictates there is no other choice.  What will you do then?  How free do you really want to be?



  1. Replies
    1. Who posts as Anonymous? Are you a government official or seeking to be?

  2. Prolly workin' for "they" and doesn't want the drones flying over his/her house like they do mine.

    I heard on the news the other morning that the Dept of Homeland security is telling police chiefs across the country to be on the lookout for people who talk bad about the government on the internet and buy guns/ammo because all these people are "domestic terrorist".

    Strange days indeed. Strange days.
